Biology Of Cancer Textbook Pdf
Author | : Lewis J. Kleinsmith |
Publisher | : Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company |
Release Date | : 18 December 2020 |
ISBN 10 | : 0987631XXX |
Pages | : 312 pages |
Rating | : |
Format: PDF, Docs View: 584 Get Books This textbook takes you on a journey to the basic concepts of cancer biology. It combines developmental, evolutionary and cell biology perspectives, to then wrap-up with an integrated clinical approach. /rise-of-the-tomb-raider-dx12-patch-download.html. The book starts with an introductory chapter, looking at cancer in a nut shell.
Biology Of Cancer Textbook Pdf
Principles of Cancer Biology, is an engaging book focused on providing readers with a 'big picture' view of cancer. Author Lewis Kleinsmith has written an instructional text focusing on key concepts for a general audience. Each chapter contains a list of suggested readings that expand the detail as needed. The text also emphasizes the scientific evidence that underlies cancer biology, and teaches readers to think critically about this evidence- as there are constantly new 'breakthroughs' and reports in this field. For readers who need the review, there are brief reviews of several topics related to DNA replication and repair, cell division, cell signaling, and inheritance patterns in chapters where these subjects are relevant. By including these reviews, the text is both accessible and engaging to a broad audience of readers who are studying cancer biology for the first time, as well as an interested general audience. KEY TOPICS: What Is Cancer, Profile of a Cancer Cell, How Cancers Spread, Identifying the Causes of Cancer, Chemicals and Cancer, Radiation and Cancer, Infectious Agents and Cancer, Heredity and Cancer, Oncogenes, Tumor Suppressor Genes and Cancer Overview, Cancer Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment, Preventing Cancer, Main Types of Cancer, Human Carcinogens. MARKET: For all readers interested in the big picture view of cancer.
- Besides its value as a textbook, The Biology of Cancer is a useful reference for individuals working in biomedical laboratories and for clinical professionals. Every copy of the book comes with an updated “Pathways in Human Cancer” poster and a DVD-ROM containing the book’s art program, a greatly expanded selection of movies, audio file mini-lectures, Supplementary Sidebars, and a Media.
- Cancer Biology 4th Edition PDF Cancer Biology 4th Edition PDF Free Download, Cancer Biology 4th Edition PDF, Cancer Biology 4th Edition Ebook Content A thorough yet concise account of cancer biology, this book emphasises the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the transformation of normal into malignant cells, the invasiveness of cancer cells into.
Author | : Lewis J. Kleinsmith |
Publisher | : Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company |
Release Date | : 18 December 2020 |
ISBN 10 | : 0987631XXX |
Pages | : 312 pages |
Rating | : |
Biology Of Cancer Textbook Pdf Textbook
Principles of Cancer Biology, is an engaging book focused on providing readers with a 'big picture' view of cancer. Author Lewis Kleinsmith has written an instructional text focusing on key concepts for a general audience. Each chapter contains a list of suggested readings that expand the detail as needed. The text also emphasizes the scientific evidence that underlies cancer biology, and teaches readers to think critically about this evidence- as there are constantly new 'breakthroughs' and reports in this field. For readers who need the review, there are brief reviews of several topics related to DNA replication and repair, cell division, cell signaling, and inheritance patterns in chapters where these subjects are relevant. By including these reviews, the text is both accessible and engaging to a broad audience of readers who are studying cancer biology for the first time, as well as an interested general audience. KEY TOPICS: What Is Cancer, Profile of a Cancer Cell, How Cancers Spread, Identifying the Causes of Cancer, Chemicals and Cancer, Radiation and Cancer, Infectious Agents and Cancer, Heredity and Cancer, Oncogenes, Tumor Suppressor Genes and Cancer Overview, Cancer Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment, Preventing Cancer, Main Types of Cancer, Human Carcinogens. MARKET: For all readers interested in the big picture view of cancer.