How To Download Sketchfab Models
- Free 3D models ready to view, buy, and download for free.
- Browse more than 150k free downloadable models from Sketchfab and import them into your Unity project. Click the 'Download model' button to download to proceed.
- How To Download Sketchfab 3d Models
- How To Download Models From Sketchfab
- How To Download Models In Sketchfab
You may or may not be familiar with Sketchfab, but if you're the sort of person who likes to acquire 3D models and play with them, then it'll probably be of use to you to learn more about it right now.
You must install the userscript to see the 'Download.OBJ' button on the model viewer page. To do this, you must have a userscript manager installed. If you have one installed, clicking on this link should bring up a prompt to install the script. I have tested the script so far on Tampermonkey (Chrome) and Greasemonkey (Firefox).
Sketchfab is a website where you can upload a 3D model for yourself to see later from anywhere in the world. It also allows other people to see the file if you wish for it.
In other words, it's like YouTube but with 3D models instead of videos, as certain other people all too glibly compared them.
Unfortunately, the two websites were alike in another manner, specifically the impossibility to download the files once they were put up. And Sketchfab doesn't have the freelancing community to develop a downloader for that.
Sure, if you're the uploader it stands to reason that you're going to keep a copy of the file on your PC. But what if you want the file from someone else? Well, now you can get it.
What Sketchfab offers
For one thing, it lets you show off your three-dimensional files for the whole world to see, as we said. Well, the whole world with an Internet connection actually. You can also embed the files in articles or forum posts, assuming the websites you frequent allow for it.
The files can be found in a variety of formats, and there are even specific repositories belonging to companies for instance. Formlabs has an entire gallery all to itself. Kind of like you can find music mixes on YouTube actually.
Of course, you can choose not to put your own file up for download if you still want to protect it in preparation for a project you're just seeking feedback on. But the option is there now, which is the whole point.
And you can even export files directly from Photoshop, Blender and Modo, turning them into Sketchfab, HTC and Microsoft models.
It means that visitors won't find themselves restricted by unsupported file types if they happen to use a specific program for their additive manufacturing needs. Toy cars and action figure parts coming right up.
The current volume of models
Sketchfab is no Thingiverse yet, but there still are around 200,000 models. A few more than that in fact. Which is a significant jump from the 100,000 that were available there back in April. A fast rise for such a short period really.
Browse, import and export assets between Unity and Sketchfab
Based on khronos' UnityGLTF plugin
A Sketchfab account is required for most of this plugin features (you can create one here)
Supported versions: Unity 5.6.4 or later/free-motorola-codes.html.
Download attached SketchfabForUnity-v1.1.1.unitypackage
and double click on it to import the plugin into your current Unity project.
Report an issue
If you have any issue, please use the Report an issue link to be redirected to the support form.
Sketchfab Asset Browser
Available in menu: Sketchfab/Browse Sketchfab
Browse more than 150k free downloadable models from Sketchfab and import them into your Unity project.
You need a Sketchfab account to download and import assets from Sketchfab
PRO users can now access their own models
If you are a PRO user, you can also use the My Models filter to search and have a private access to your personal library of models, which includes all your published models (including the private ones)
Asset Browser UI
Browse free Sketchfab downloadable models from the plugin using search and filters.
Click on a thumbnail to show the corresponding model page with a button to download and import the asset
You can specify a path in your project directory to import the asset into, set a name for the prefab that will contain the model and also choose to import it into your current scene.
Click the 'Download model' button to download to proceed.
Sketchfab Exporter
Available in menu: Sketchfab/Publish to Sketchfab
Export and share your current Unity scene on Sketchfab.
You need a Sketchfab account to download and import assets from Sketchfab
Important note: glTF file format is used as transport between Unity and Sketchfab.
Because of this, a few features will not be supported and will be missing on the Sketchfab result.
The plugin will not export:
- animations or object handled by custom scripts
- custom materials/shaders
Only Standard materials (including Specular setup) are supported.
For animation, only Generic or Legacy animation type are exported.
How To Download Sketchfab 3d Models
This support will be improved in the future.
How To Download Models From Sketchfab
glTF Importer (editor)
Import glTF asset into Unity
Available in menu: Sketchfab/Import glTF
Drag and drop glTF asset on the importer window, set the import options and click import.
How To Download Models In Sketchfab
- This release has been moved from the previous unity plugin repository for anticipation, but sources are still not setup so they are not yet available*