Audi A4 B7 Mmi Update

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  • Darf man selber die Firmware vom MMI 3G update auf die Version K0257. Audi A4 8K/B8 Bauform Limousine Baujahr 2011 Motor. Audi A4 8E/B7 Bauform Avant Baujahr.
  • This makes it easy to find suitable products for your Audi Select Series A4 Saloon (since 2020). With Audi navigation updates. (MMI 3G HDD). 193.99 EUR.

The map update service on is available to Audi connect eligible models only and allows you to download new maps to a 32 GB SD card. Then insert the SD card into the card slot of the MMI and follow the menu under SETUP MMI. Please contact your local Audi dealer to confirm your models Audi connect eligibility.

Field of fire download mac. Audi MMI 2G maps update is performed with a DVD stored navigation database. Maps update procedure is simple, does not require any diagnostic tools what so ever.


  • Update DVD for your region, examples:
    • Europe DVD 2015: 4E0 060 884 DT
    • Russia DVD 2015: 4E0 060 884 EF
    • North America DVD 2015: 4E0 060 884 DS
    • Australia and New Zealand DVD 2014: 4E0 060 884 DQ


/pdfsam-enhanced-4-serial-key.html. Performing this procedure may cause permanent damage to your car.
Do this at your own risk!
We are not responsible for any loss or damage.


  • Make sure that you have in you car Audi Multi Media Interface 2G (MMI 2G). Check details in article Audi navigation systems – MMI RNS BNS RMC differences.

Audi A4 B7 Body Kit

Audi MMI 2G maps update

Audi A4 B7 Mmi Update Download

  1. Open your cars trunk and locate navigation DVD drive. It can be under the trunk floor or on the side, hidden behind trunk trim.
  2. Press “eject” and take out old navigation DVD.
  3. Insert new disk.
  4. Turn the ignition on and wait for the new disk to be recognized by Audi MMI 2G system.
  5. When asked (“New navigation software is available. Install?”), confirm that you want to update navigation database.
  6. Wait couple minutes for the software to be installed.
  7. When update is complete, press RETURN to reboot Audi MMI 2G system. Now your navigation maps are up to date.