Ansys 17 License

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  • ANSYS specific FLEXlm error codes1. Run 'Server ANSLICADMIN utility' (as administrator)2. Click 'Stop the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager'3. Click 'Start the AN.
  • Windows 10, 8GB ram system. ANSYS 17.2 student edition. I run the license manager and it gives the message: 2016/12/06 12:29:40: Attempting to start.
  • ANSYS License Management Center This YouTube video provides a brief introduction to the different options and usages of the ANSYS License Management Center. If you still need additional technical support assistance, please contact your local SimuTech Support ® office.
  • Show All 17 17.1 17.2 18 18.1 18.2 19. And Cooling Library licenses need to be purchased separately from ANSYS. Of current license usage information of users.

Within the ANSYS License Management Center on the new license server machine once the ANSYS License Manager has been installed, there is a button to obtain the System Hostid Info, as shown in the photo here: Once you have that hostname, etc. Information, you can go back to the ANSYS Customer Portal and request a license server change. ANSYS 17 License Problem #1: Mohy. Join Date: Oct 2015. Posts: 5 Rep Power: 7. Hi, I've installed ANSYS 17 but it's not working.

Remember the good old days of having to peruse through hundreds and thousands of lines of text in multiple files to see ANSYS license usage information? Trying to hit Ctrl+F and search for license names. Well those days were only about a couple months ago and they are over…well for the most part. /amtlib-crack-cc.html.

With the ANSYS License Manager Release 18.0, we have some pretty nifty built in license reporting tools that help to extract information from the log files so the administrator can see anything from current license usage to peak usage and even any license denials that occur. Let’s take a look at how to do this:

First thing is to open up the License Management Center:

  • In Windows you can find this by going to Start>Programs>ANSYS Inc License Manager>ANSYS License Management Center
  • On Linux you can find this in the ansys directory /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/start_lmcenter

This will open up your License Manager in your default browser as shown below. For the reporting just take a look at the Reporting Section. We’ll cover each of these 4 options below.

License Management Center at Release 18.0

License Reporting Options


As the title says, this is where you’ll go to see a breakdown of the current license usage. What is great is that you can see all the licenses that you have on the server, how many licenses of each are being used and who is using them (through the color of the bars). Please note that PADT has access to several ANSYS Licenses. Your list will only include the licenses available for use on your server.

Scrolling page that shows Current License Usage and Color Coded Usernames

You can also click on Show Tabular Data to see a table view that you can then export to excel if you wanted to do your own manipulation of the data.

Tabular Data of Current License Usage – easy to export


In this section you will be able to not only isolate the license usage to a specific time period, you can also filter by license type as well. You can use the first drop down to define a time range, whether that is the previous 1 month, 1 year, all available or even your own custom time range

Isolate License Usage to Specific Time Period

Once you hit Generate you will be able to then isolate by license name as shown below. I’ve outlined some examples below as well. The axis on the left shows number of licenses used.

Filter Time History by License Name

1 month history of ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise

1 month history of ANSYS CFD

Ansys 17 License Generator

Custom Date Range history of ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler


This section will allow you to see what the peak usage of a particular license during a particular time period and filter it based on data range. First step is to isolate to a date range as before, for example 1 month. Then you can select which month you want to look at data for.

Selecting specific month to look at Peak License Usage

Then you can isolate the data to whether or not you want to look at an operational period of 24/7, Monday to Friday 24/5 or even Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. This way you can isolate license usage between every day of the week, working week or normal working hours in a week. Again, axis on left shows number of licenses.

Ansys 17 License Crack

Isolating data to 24/7, Weekdays or Weekday Working Hours

Peak License Usage in March 2017 of ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise (24/7)

Peak License Usage in February 2017 of ANSYS CFD (Weekdays Only)


If any of the users who are accessing the License Manager get license denials due to insufficient licenses or for any other reason, this will be displayed in this section. Since PADT rarely, if ever, gets License Denials, this section is blank for us. The procedure is identical to the above sections – it involves isolating the data to a time period and filtering the data to your interested quantities.

Ansys 17 License File Download

Isolate data with Time Period as other sections

Although these 4 options doesn’t include every conceivable filtering method, this should allow managers and administrators to filter through the license usage in many different ways without needing to manually go through all the log files. This is a very convenient and easy set of options to extract the information.

Ansys 17 License Generator

Please let us know if you have any questions on this or anything else with ANSYS.